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Nov 27, 2007

Number One, Of The Seven Weird Things Meme

Sometimes, when I'm driving down the road, and there is a car behind me, riding on my tail and there is a car next to me, so the eager car can't get around,




And I like it.

In other news...

I saw these.

So, I made some of my own. Very yummy, next time I would add more cinnamon, though.

I added chocolate chips to the second batch...Yum!

They're still cooking. Listening to Christmas music all day today put me in the mood for baking. That, and the babies slept for three hours this afternoon.

Canarygirl's picture is way better.


tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Hot damn. 3 hour naps and yummy snacks. Sounds like a good afternoon...

K J and the kids said...

She CLEARLY had better lighting.
I think yours look DELICIOUS !

Sheesha said...

Yum....Reminds me of a post I started last night and never finished.....Maybe today - but doubtful really considering I'll be at school all day passing out cookie dough....Yeah for me!

Denise said...

Yummy looking cookies.