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Jan 22, 2007

34 Years Today

By Jane: Roe v Wade: You've made it to 34...may you go on forever!

WoW! Impassioned, wonderfully said. Being in the dark on most things political, but of course having opinions, I had no idea today was a day to be celebrated. And also perhaps to be a little sad and maybe angry...

Because, it does make me sad when I look at my children and other babies and think about those that may have been, but are not. Because, I do think of them as babies that may have been. A life that was not destined to be.

It makes me sad to think of babies who were given up to others, when that decision was forced.

It makes me sad when I speak to friends who absolutely know their decision to abort was the right one, yet they remember each year how old that life would be.

It makes me sad when I hear of women who use abortion as birth control, and angry.

It makes me angry to think about our male dominated society who produce Viagra, and tell women what they can do with their bodies and their lives.

It makes me angry to hear about Roe vs. Wade being discussed again, again, and again. The right to choose has been decided. Back off.

Pro-Choice all the way!

1 comment:

ByJane said...

I agree totally...and thanks for what one of my bl-ends (blog friends) calls Linky Love!