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Dec 22, 2006

The Excitement Never Ends

Four of the eight are now on antibiotics, one keeps running a fever, two have snoggy noses- but they will, Will, be better for Christmas!!! It is a sad state when the receptionist at our pediatrician's office recognizes my voice at the first Hello! And that when we were discussing who was going to take the last one in the discussion went like this...

K- Do you want to go or do you want me too?

Me- I don't really care, I have already been there three out of the last four days...

K- Well, they are your friends...

That's how often I see the nurses and doctor and receptionist and pretty much how often I don't really see anyone else. Sad, sad...

Needless to say I took Leo in for the Strep test (positive).

We took them all to see Santa today, anyway.

Infecting all who came near. Although hopefully not, since everyone who needs them, has been medicated for 24 hours at this point and there were no fevers this morning. So we all slept last night in our own beds, well...

Grace went shopping yesterday with Kärin for some Christmas crafts and came home with much booty. Which would explain why she was up, dressed and in the craft room at 3:00 am this morning, dragging her little sister with her. Mia had enough sense to come wake us up and report in. Grace was so surprised, but thankfully peaceful about getting back into bed, whew...

And then there's Leo- our planner...

Can I start planning now? Can we talk about Christmas yet? Can we get up earlier? What about, like 5:45? or just 5:50? ok, or 5:30? Do we have carrots for the reindeer? AND APPLES? When should we make cookies for Santa? Are we still going to Grandma's for Christmas Eve? Will we have dinner there? Are we going to church first? What time? How many presents can we open on Christmas Eve? Where is everyone's piles going to go? Should I put names out, like last year? And remember how the doctor said I could have two of those medicines so I can sleep on Christmas Eve?

Oh, yes, Leo you can have two Benadryl on Christmas Eve, how about a couple right now???

I had planned for the Santa photo, but Blogger won't let me. I'll try later.

I added them into Flickr instead...

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