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Jun 22, 2008

Almost Home

Käri is on her way home from the grand state of Utah...she just called to check in after turning the wrong way twice and then taking the long shortcut to get back to where they were supposed to be, she's about a half hour away. She went with her teaching partner, Susan. They've been gone for five days, but we have spoken each day, more than once and we even joined the 21st century and used ichat (very fun).

I can barely understand her on the phone between the laughing and singing to Tim McGraw- God help me, country music-. She's had a fabulous time scrappin'- Yup, they drove to Utah for scrapbook conference, retreat, whatever...lots of free stuff and good times. Seriously.
Everybody has to have a hobby...

We are taking separate vacations this year- she to Utah, me to San Francisco. A bit weird, but okay.

I'm glad she had a good time and I'm glad she's almost home.

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