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Feb 1, 2007

Exactly Why I Am Certifiable (or at least part of the reason)

I am overwhelmed by the amount of thoughts, ideas, stories that are wandering around my head. Like...

~why, every time I know of a new baby, see a new baby, hear a new baby cry , I yearn for more

~my newest thrill is the idea of my canaries mating and having babies

~my house is filled with animals, that for the most part, I have to take care of- it's like a genetic flaw...

~Jack needs play therapy

~the depth of love and passion I feel for my partner

~my dream that Paul Newman was celebrating his birthday at my house, and his wives and children didn't like my cooking

~I'd like to live in a world where it was okay to be gay

~Ella is getting old and how are my children going to deal with the death of one of our dogs

~happiness is relative

~how I accidentally left my six year old at home by himself for 30 minutes last week


~adoption should be free

~ they should stop worrying about an exit strategy, say I'm sorry, and bring the troops home. In that order.

~fitting in

~Meth addicts seem to procreate at the drop of a hat and infertile couples are desperately infertile

~play dates absolutely should include alcohol

~everybody is lonely

~Bush should really be impeached (I mean, come on!)

~I really need some new pants and shorts

~sirens often make me cry

~being independently wealthy would be really nice

~human beings hurtling themselves through the air in gigantic, heavy, metal objects is just unnatural

~I hate static shock

~thinking about getting smashed by a train every time I cross over the tracks is probably not normal

~people should be nice to each other

~I used to listen more and talk less, and I miss that about me

~reserve judgment until you have walked in their shoes

There are more, but for now this will have to do because it is all I have time to write down. I'm thinking each one could be a post. That's the goal, in no particular order...


tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

You really have a lot on your mind today! Too much to think about...

~*~Snappz~*~ said...

beautiful post ...
many things that many people think about ... so it's easy to see why half the world is certifiable :-P

Unknown said...

So true, so true. And as for crossing over those railroad tracks, if it makes you feel any better, when I lived in Chico I thought the same thing.

LeLo said...

So true, so true. And as for crossing over those railroad tracks, if it makes you feel any better, when I lived in Chico I thought the same thing.