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Jan 29, 2009

Story People

"I don't want another opportunity to learn & grow, she said. I just want to eat crackers & watch Oprah & pet my

Some days are just like that- no room for anything more.

I don't actually watch Oprah- and my cat is mostly outdoors, and prefers solace to people- so while it doesn't actually apply to my real life, it is totally applicable.

Go visit Story People- great art, great artist! I like to think we discovered him before he got famous- but I'm not really sure about that. We have one of his sculptures that was bought many years ago...

I wasn't paid or anything to post this (puhlease!)- I just love his stuff.

1 comment:

Troy-Michelle Reinhardt said...

Great website - love the "stories" - will have to save up to purchase one of those adorable vases....