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Dec 3, 2008

Another Video

For your viewing pleasure...

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die


Anonymous said...

Love Jack Black! He's the man!

Emma said...

Funny! Thanks for sharing.

I have a question for you. I know you've written about how some of your kids got their names, but how did the you and K pick names for the first three? Are they named after anyone?

-Maia (interested in names)

Tricia said...


We wanted names that were easy to pronounce, spell, that could be used as "professional" or not.

In addition, Grace was named after my paternal grandmother and Käri, Gus's middle name is Käri's father's first name, Jack's middle name is the masculine version of Patricia (my name and my mother's and maternal grandmother), and Julia is named for two very good friends.